Publications –
Podcasts – Webinars

‘The move to the next phase of the internet will bring fundamental changes to how we live, work and learn. There is huge opportunity but also a lot of risk. We need to advocate and work for it all to be safe to use for teachers and learners as well as effective and sustainable, rather than just follow the hype and rush to implement the latest technologies.’

Nergiz Kern


Explore how, why, and when virtual reality and other emerging technologies such as generative AI can support and enhance language learning with The A-Z of Immersive Language Learning and Teaching in Virtual Reality.

This book is essential reading for language educators, curriculum writers, learning experience designers, and EdTech companies seeking to integrate technology with pedagogy and content for best learning outcomes. It will help you gain the knowledge you need to think, plan, and implement immersive learning experiences effectively with VR. By Nergiz Kern and Miranda Novash (2025). More information.

Book chapters

Innovations in Technology for English Language Teaching and Learning
Chapter 4: Technology-Integrated ESP Lessons: Real-Life Language, Tasks, and Tools for Professionals

Blended learning: Podcasts for taxi drivers
in Blended Learning in English Language Teaching: Course Design and Implementation, Part 3 – English for Specific Purposes, Chapter 11, pages 131-139.

Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology, Sense Publishers
3.1.2 Design narrative: Online teacher training in a Web 2.0 setting p. 171,
Co-author of 3.2.9 Pattern: Control the flow p. 227, contributions to chapter 3.2.5 Set ground rules p. 212)

Book a consultation session or workshop with Nergiz.


A Vision for a Humanising and Sustainable Future of Language Learning with the Metaverse. Journal of Futures Studies. (2024). Read more about why I wrote it and the article itself.

Mapping a New Career Future Using the Futures Triangle. Editorial. (2023). World Futures Review. 15(2-4), 107-111.

Futures Thinking For Language Educators: Part 1: Learn How To Think Like A Futurist In Seven Simple Steps. ; Part 2: The Future Is Plural, Oxford University Press – Teaching English with Oxford Blog (2023)

Immersive learning experience design for language learning in virtual reality – a write up of my IATEFL MaW SIG PCE Day talk, Harrogate 2023, on the MaW SIG blog.

Integrating Environmental Education Into Language Lessons Using Virtual Reality, FLTMAG – IALL’s free language technology magazine Read the article.

The 7 Research-Backed Components of Effective Metaverse Marketing Read the article.

Out of this world – using virtual reality in the classroom (main feature article in the English Teaching Professional, Issue 134, 2021).

Research-based blog posts on immersion language learning for Immerse.

Online pre-sessional courses for university, in the English Teaching Professional, Issue 131, 2020), co-authored with Zoe Smith.

How to start writing for publication – a teacher’s personal journey, in IATEFL Conference Selections 2016 (based on my talk)

Tools for Taxi Drivers in the English Teaching Professional, Issue 77, 2011

Starting a Second Life, in the English Teaching Professional, Issue 61, 2009

Podcasts, Webinars & Presentations


How to effectively integrate environmental topics in language classes: Engage your learners’ emotions with virtual reality, Ibn Haldun University webinar, 22 March, 2023

Writing lessons for immersive language learning in virtual reality, IATEFL MawSIG PCE, IATEFL Harrogate, 17 April, 2023

How to integrate VR in your language school, ELT Marketing Linkedin Live with Gina Rodriguez School Marketing, 2 Feb, 2023

Metaverse and virtual worlds: Integrating immersive universes into language teaching, British Council BBELT 2023: Moving Forward, Learning Together conference, 16 January, 2023

TeachingEnglish podcast: How can we use virtual reality to teach English?, British Council, Jan, 2023


How can we use virtual reality to teach English? British Council Teaching English podcast, Dec 30, 2022

Online Immersive Language Learning, in The Morning Break podcast with Graham Stanley, Teachers Talk Radio, 26 July, 2022

What the metaverse means for language learning and how you an prepare for it, 7th Future of English Language Teaching conference, Trinity College London | Regents University London, 11 June, 2022

A Conversation about the Metaverse and Virtual Reality Language Learning, The TEFL Development Hub webinar with Teresa Bestwick, 1 February, 2022

How to use Virtual Reality in the classroom, ELTcpd podcast with Billie Jago, 12 August, 2021

Book a consultation session or workshop with Nergiz.

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