Tataaam! Drumroll! 🥁A historic moment!
I participated in the first ever real MOOC in 2008. The famous CK08 course called ‘Connectivism and Connective Knowledge’. *
And now, I’m participating in:
The world’s first university delivered MOOC taught 100% on-chain and in the metaverse!
✅ Registered for the course by minting an NFT
✅ Weekly course materials airdropped (=delivered) as NFTs into my wallet
✅ Induction party in the metaverse
✅ Live sessions in the metaverse
✅ Video recordings of sessions airdropped as NFTs
✅ Course certificate – of course – an NFT
I can’t tell you whether it’s going to be good or whether doing all of the above on-chain and in the ‘metaverse’ is beneficial, but it’s an experiment and I’m excited to be part of it, because education will move into the metaverse and NFTs will be part of it in many different ways.
I don’t want to complain about the metaverse and its dangers (even if they do exist), but help shape it and contribute to making it a safe, enjoyable and effective space for learning. In fact, I started doing that in 2008.
The course tutors in this 12-week NFT and Metaverse course actively encourage co-creating the course and contributing to it, which is an encouraging sign and the right attitude for an experimental course taking place in the metaverse, where community building and nurturing will be crucial.
More soon.
In the meantime, I’d like to hear 🙋🏼your first reactions and question ❓
(A version of this was first published on Linkedin on 10 October, 2022)