This page contains PDFs of the four pages of the main feature article ‘Out of this world’ which featured in the magazine English Teaching Professional, Issue 134 (Pavilion Publishing and Media, 2021).

Cover of Issue 134

From the Editor, Helena Gomm:

‘In our main feature, Nergiz Kern, who has long been in the vanguard when it comes to new technologies, particularly those connected to teaching in virtual environments, celebrates the advances in virtual reality technology which now give it a viable role in education. She argues that creating such things as a virtual café where students can meet and chat gives a more realistic experience than having them pretend to be in a café when all they can see is their fellow students’ ‘Zoom heads’. (Read the full Editorial).

Cite as: Kern, N. (2021, May). Out of this world. The English Teaching Professional, Issue 134, pp. 4-7.